Thursday, January 1, 2009

creativestudies - WEEK 3

Class exercise!!

In this class exercise, we need to write a short statement or poem that describe the concept of 'love'. Huhu, love? yeah!! here, is the example of the poem/statement that i wrote through a different picture. yeah! lets gO!

Love white like a sky

two heart melt like a ice
make it fun and easy
it will be forever eternity.

Love is exciting
money is everything
don't get love for money
you will get nothing.

Love is fun

inside your mind your girlfriend no 1
keep it as sweet as you can
or it just waste your time.

love is like ice cream

love can make you be so sweet
hold it nicely and softly
then it will make you melt and crazy.

love love love

ohh, very priceless and everyone must appreciate it
please appreciate your love same that you appreciate your luxury car
lets put a nice speed on your love you will always happy forever.

Please put some respects on your love

don't just think love is not meaningful same like rubbish
once you throw out your love
trust me deep in your heart you will regret it.

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