Friday, January 2, 2009

make your life more creative!



Don't give up!!

huhu, yeah i love creative studies! Thank you to Mr Radzi and Madam Helena because make the class so exciting and always great! Best lecturer ever! huhu, before that, i want to remind myself and everyone to don't easy to give up from be a creative person! please always think creative and you will sucessful in life!

Negative attitude that blocked creativity.

Introduction to Creative ThinkingOh no, a problem!

The reaction to a problem is often a bigger problem than the problem itself. Many people avoid or deny problems until it's too late, largely because these people have never learned the appropriate emotional, psychological, and practical responses. A problem is an opportunity. The happiest people welcome and even seek out problems, meeting them as challenges and opportunities to improve things.

It can't be done.

This attitude is, in effect, surrendering before the battle. By assuming that something cannot be done or a problem cannot be solved, a person gives the problem a power or strength it didn't have before. And giving up before starting is, of course, self fulfilling. But look at the history of solutions and the accompanying skeptics: man will never fly, diseases will never be conquered, rockets will never leave the atmosphere. Again, the appropriate attitude is summed up by the statement, "The difficult we do immediately; the impossible takes a little longer."

But I'm not creative.

Everyone is creative to some extent. Most people are capable of very high levels of creativity; just look at young children when they play and imagine. The problem is that this creativity has been suppressed by education. All you need to do is let it come back to the surface. You will soon discover that you are surprisingly creative.

"To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best"

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