Friday, January 2, 2009

Final Project



Nowadays, people always neglect the importance of recycling and ignore the consequences ahead and it is destined to be a human nature. It is because most of them think that the resources is unlimited. It is their mind set that they don’t appreciate paper because they don’t care the paper’s originality and just ignore the resources of the paper which is tree. The people don’t realize the tree is limited.

The mentality of peoples today can destroy the future of our children’s generation. They overused paper and thus so many papers are wasted. They also have no awareness of nature because they think the paper is cheap and easy to get. So, they don’t appreciate the paper that much.

There are so many reasons that is direct and indirectly caused by the ignorance of recycling the paper. The common inconvenience such as lack of time to do recycling because people have so much work to do everyday and they just don’t have time to recycle. Lack of space also becomes the reason why people don’t recycle. They don’t know where to keep those recycle things and just throw away the paper that is unused. Pest concerns for keeping the recycle things that leads to messiness in the house and it is also one of the reason why people ignore recycling. Last but not least, the lack of drop-off sites of recycling also caused the people to add more reasons why they don’t recycle.

Lack of knowledge in recycling also leads to the ignorance of the importance of the recycling papers. People with less knowledge become less confidence and they simply ignore the recycling importance. Some people just don’t know the right way to recycle and they don’t know where to drop-off the recyclable things.

Another problem that caused the ignorance of recycling are some people they don’t take serious about the recycling campaign that the government made in order to encourage people to recycle. They are not joining the motivational talk for the importance of recycle and they take it lightly as the recycle is nothing plus the attitude of people that is lazy to recycle that will kill us all with our children and our future.

So, let us rise and open up our mind to save the future and start recycling from now. May this report will make people realize how important the recycling really are.



From this report, we come out with the idea information and do a mind map to make it mare clear and easy to understand. Below are the logical mind map that we did. huhu, enjoyy!

our logical mind map

How to encourage people to recycle?

Random Word/ image association


- colorful and harmony
-beautiful valuable
- girl


No recycle, No resources for future generation


  • To set individual mentality that recycling is important to make sure the resources will stay exist and harmony.
  • We must always think that recycling is very important thing that we cannot take it lightly same as our responsibility to our family.
  • The word not hard and easy to do actually is the point that is our self - consciousness. So if we know our role as a human being the recycle will be easier.
  • If we recycle, we will keep the nature safe and clean from be destroyed.
  • recycle will keep the existence last forever, so our future generation will be grateful and they can see how nice the nature is.
  • Recycle is an important self-value in our daily life. Caring for recycling is just like caring towards our girlfriend as how we look after and love to our girlfriend is just like or same our feeling towards recycling.


  • Government has to make more interactive motivational talk and make fun activities to attract people to recycle especially teenagers or youngsters.
  • Make more advertisement on how important the recycle through newspaper, radio, television and internet.
  • Control and prevent deforestation by fining and catch the people who destroyed the forest.
  • Reward for who recycle with money in a way that those who collected recycle thing can sell them and gain money.
  • Make the people realize the exact situation where we are about to lose natures by organizing more recycling campaign such as from house to house campaign and develop the sense of fear for example filming a documentary that mainly focusing on consequences of neglecting the nature.
  • They should introduce a subject than can create awareness among the student about the environment.
  • The authorities should mark down parts of the forest as a reserve forest.
  • Reduce the production of the paper and increase the price, so the people will appreciate the paper.
  • Make some changes from paper that made from tree to a synthetics paper.

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